Tuesday 1 November 2016

Conan to the rescue.... Maybe

The setup for tomorrow's game , Conan and friends have been invited to rescue the princess

Shevatas "Do you think this is a good idea Conan ?"
Valeria" Do you want to live forever ?"
Conan "Got to do what is right!"

Let Battle Commence

Conan scouts while the others hunt for treasure , the princess is chained to the pillars

The skeleton hoards arrive

and so does a rather large snake

Which proved a little difficult to dispatch

but Conan prevailed , he put the maximum number of dice and together with some accurate shooting from the others dropped the snake's 8 points

with the princess saved and everyone a little wounded an escape was effected but most of the treasure found was used in defeating the snake.

never mind the princesses father is sure to be generous

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